Sustainable Development Goals: SDGs

AE Technology committed to conducting business in line with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aligning 7 SDGs with the company's operational strategies throughout the business chain.

Quality Education

  • Foster the development of employees’ knowledge and skills to enhance their earning potential.
  • Transfer the company’s knowledge and technology to vacational institutions.

Affordable and Clean Energy

Generate and use alternative energy, solar cells, to cover the main electricity usage by 70%

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Protecting labor rights and a safe working environment is essential for a healthy and productive workforce

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

  • Upgrade infrastructure and improve products for sustainability
  • Comply with social and environmental laws and regulations 100%

Decent Work and Economic Growth

  • There is a growing trend towards developing cities that are more habitable, inclusive, and secure.
  • Collaborating to develop communities towards sustainablility through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities.

Responsible Consumption and Production

  • Implement strategies to prevent, reduce, reuse, and recycle waste, aiming to achieve zero waste by 2030
  • Eliminate the disposal of all hazardous and non-hazardous production waste in landfills on an annual basis.
  • Achieve a 20% reduction in water consumption by 2025 compared to the 2021 baseline.

Life on Land

  • AE Technology Company Limited is committed to increasing green spaces within its factories through tree planting initiatives. We aim to acheve a carbon credit goal of 2,000 kilograms per year by 2030.